Step-By-Step Guide to Dealing With a Leaking Fridge

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If you walk into the kitchen one morning and encounter a large full of water, you may have issues with your refrigerator. If everything seems okay and the fridge and freezer temperatures are correct, then you need to enter detective mode. There are several reasons why this appliance could be leaking water, and you need to check each one carefully. Where should you start? Continue reading to find out. 

Drain Pan

The first thing to do is check the drain pan situated on the unit's base. It's designed to catch any water but may be full. In this case, you simply need to empty it and ensure there are no obstructions.

Drain Hole

You can check another area for blockage before you proceed to anything more complex, and this is the drain that catches water when the appliance is on defrost mode. It can sometimes get clogged with tiny food particles, and you may need to unblock it carefully.

Supply Pipe

If all seems okay with the pan and drain hole, find the flexible, clear plastic line that connects the fridge to the incoming water supply. This can sometimes come loose, which will cause water to leak, but it can also freeze up, especially if it is in close proximity to the freezer. A hairdryer can often help you to fix that issue, but if you find that the hose is kinked or damaged, it'll need to be replaced.

Water Filter

Next, have a look at the water filter. This will vary from model to model, but it is often screwed into the back of the fridge unit towards the top. You may have to open the door to access it, but if the filter is damaged, you need to replace it with an identical unit. Sometimes it can work loose, which may be causing the leak, and it is a simple job of tightening it.


There might be a leak from the icemaker, although this may not be immediately obvious. Take the ice pan out, empty it and observe what happens next. If you can see evidence of a leak, you may have to replace the icemaking unit.

Getting Further Help

If you have tried all of these potential fixes and cannot cure the problem, you may need to call an appliance repair service. They'll be able to identify the source of the problem for you and get things back to normal. 
